About the Network
Our Concerns
The Caribbean is well known for its touristic, picturesque water related ecosystems. Billboards and advertisements proclaim the beauty of the Caribbean, from spectacular waterfalls to breathtaking reefs with exotic aquatic flora and fauna.
Amidst this unparalleled splendor however, there are significant challenges that must be addressed. Our vulnerability to natural disasters as Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is a major concern. In the last decade there have been numerous instances of hydro-climatic disasters that have had agonizing impacts. Additionally, tourism and agriculture serve as critical economic pillars; both sectors are intricately intertwined and reliant on our water resources. Climate Variability and Change has also introduced additional stresses which are expected to intensify in the future. Strategic and resolute interventions are therefore crucial as we strive towards Agenda 2030 and beyond.
Caribbean WaterNet is focused on improving and supporting functional Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) strategies across the Caribbean. We are committed to providing technical and financial support geared towards IWRM capacity building and disaster risk resilience.
Our Mission
To improve attitudes, awareness, knowledge and competency in the implementation of IWRM and
Hydro-Climatic Disaster Risk Management in the Caribbean.
Our Goals
Our goal is to facilitate capacity building and communication in IWRM related areas throughout the Caribbean. Specifically, the network:
Seeks to enhance human, organizational and institutional capacity and competence in IWRM, through facilitating cooperation/coordination and providing capacity building and training for members in the region.
Engages in IWRM action research and then translates the results of research into tangible outputs.
Acts as a channel for technical, financial, human and material resources in IWRM for the benefit of the region and its members.
Meet The Team
Ronald Roopnarine
Network Manager
Dr Ronald Roopnarine is the current
Network Manager of Caribbean WaterNet.
He is also a Lecturer in Disaster Risk Resilience in Agriculture and the Environment in the Department of Food Production, Faculty of Food and Agriculture, The University of the West Indies,
St. Augustine Campus.
Tharā Gabriel
Administrative Officer
Tharā Gabriel is a Design Consultant in Administration and Communications. She holds a BSc in International Relations and Communication Studies, and an MSc in Global Studies. She provides Network Management assistance and is responsible for design, web content management and marketing, as well as internal and external communications.
Steering Committee Members
Simone Lewis
Natural Resource Management Specialist
Experienced in Integrated Water Resources Management, Disaster Risk Management, Agriculture Science, Project Management, Environmental Management and Risk Assessment.
Tasheka Haynes-Bobb
National Coordinator
GEF Small Grants Programme(SVG)
She is an Agricultural Environmental Professional with over 15 years experience. Mrs. Haynes-Bobb is very passionate about conservation work that creates sustainable employment for vulnerable communities.
Ruth Spencer
Yale Development Economist
Ms. Spencer is a 3-time Energy Awardee from Antigua and Barbuda. Her local actions add value to the work of local community groups through integrated environmental socio-economic platforms where their voices, knowledge, practices and solutions can be a part of the local policy and development processes.
Orisha Joseph
Executive Director
Sustainable Grenadines Inc.(SusGren)
Ms. Joseph was born in Grenada but has lived and worked on Union Island, St Vincent and the Grenadines since 2013. She is engaged in project management for marine and coastal projects geared towards conservation and sustainable development
Dr Patricia Johnson
Food Safety & Quality Director
The Bahamas Agricultural Health and Food Safety Authority (BAHFSA) is the regulatory body responsible for taking the lead in coordinating and ensuring there is harmonization among public sector agencies to address SPS matters and ensure that the highest levels of food safety and protection of plant and animal health are attained at all stages of the food chain.
Axel Grava
Sustainable Urban Planning Network of Guadeloupe
Mr. Grava is a young planner, who advocates for Caribbean Collaboration, and has initiated collaborative efforts in numerous Caribbean territories
Dr Mark Wuddivira
Soil Scientist
Dr Wuddivira has regional expertise in agricultural and environmental soil and water management, soil characterization, agricultural environmental soil physics, soil structure, soil water characteristics and hydrology, soil and watershed geophysical imaging, precision agriculture, land degradation, sustainable development, land capability, soil classification and mapping.
Cheryl Jeffers
Meteorological Technician
Ms. Cheryl Jeffers has been working with the Department of Environment in St. Kitts and Nevis since 2010. She possesses a Masters in Project Management. She provides technical assistance to projects and activities, participates in climate change negotiations, and plans and implements public awareness activities.
Dr Gaius Eudoxie
Soil & Water Scientist
Dr Eudoxie possesses experience in soil descriptions and interpretations, tropical soils properties and management including volcanic soils and soil sampling and laboratory analysis. He has worked as a regional consultant on projects on soil and water management, particularly fertility, degradation, rehabilitation and risk assessment.
Matthew Edwin
Agricultural Extensionist
Mr. Edwin is a Part-Time lecturer for the Faculty of Food and Agriculture, UWI, STA. He is a strong activist for community driven agriculture and seeks initiatives to help youth with resources for agricultural related projects.